The little things of everyday life, they make us happy. We cover gifts? That is not the issue. We women, we are very receptive to the small attentions that we reserve. A look, a smile, a gesture of tenderness: it enchants us! And if it can come from our darling, it's even better! Here besides the 10 things a man must do for his wife to be fully happy and fulfilled .
Elena Fleutiaux
1. Make her laugh every day
What's easier? Going home after your day of work, gentlemen, do not make the head! A big smile is welcome when you walk through the door of the apartment. So even if you had a busy day of work-ours was probably too! -, have fishing! Rigoler, discuss and exchange: that's what we love.
2. Listen to it
For the majority of men, it is not innate ... While you prefer not to express your emotions, your concerns, etc., we can not do without. To tell you our day in the smallest detail, we make a point of honor! So listen to us, but really!
Elena Fleutiaux
3. Surprise her with small details
That is what we aspire to. We reserve the surprise of a weekend in love, a picnic in the forest, a bike ride ... we are a fan! Plus, it's simple.
4. Share with her the management of the home
Important, gentlemen! A man who does not put his hand to the dough, it makes us hysterical. It is also one of the main causes of dispute in a couple, then to cut, share with us the household tasks. Ironing, cleaning, shopping, cooking: it's everyone's business!
5. Do not forget important dates
If there is indeed something we women, we love, is that our darling remembers important dates. At least our anniversary!
Florent Cattelain
6. Share your passions
And we yours. There are couples who complement each other divinely and who have exactly the same interests and others who have different passions. Gentlemen, try to make us happy even if our passion is not necessarily your cup of tea!
7. Help her and advise her
In the same way that you have to listen to us, allot some of your time to help and advise us when we need it. Take this role of man to heart and give importance to our anxieties and stress.
8. Ask for it in an original way
This is our dream at all. We aspire to get married, we rely on you to make us a marriage request as original as memorable. Let your creativity run wild!
Florent Cattelain
9. Make compliments
We adulate, we cajole, we compliment: that's what we love! And yet it must be admitted that men often lack attention. Gentlemen, take it up again! You love us, so show it to us!
10. Accompany her to shopping without stealing
If there's anything wrong with you, it's going to go shopping with us. To avoid getting pestered all afternoon, we tend to go with girlfriends. But in reality we would love that from time to time you accompanied us ... without complaining!
Thank to: Priscilla of Kervenoael
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