Saturday, January 14, 2017

How to be protected from the evils of winter?

😶Eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins C (citrus fruits ...) and prefer foods that help us to resist the cold (legumes).

😶It is helpful to support the thyroid to avoid repeated infections. At each cooling, in the morning for three to ten days, prepare a porridge: pour three tablespoons of oatmeal into oat milk and simmer. Add dark honey or agave syrup and cinnamon.

😶Avoid quick sugars because they weaken parasympathetic activity through the pancreas, which promotes the installation of germs.

😶Drink water rich in magnesium and a herb tea of ​​blackcurrant leaves (a teaspoonful for a cup) or a decoction of organic lemons, which stimulate the adrenals.

😶Abuse essential oils, especially ravintsara and tea tree, effective against viruses, in diffusion to sanitize the interior or by spraying on a handkerchief.

😶Opt for micro-nutrients (in pharmacies): copper has antibacterial and antiviral properties, gold enhances immunity, silver is an anti-infectious. Silicon stimulates the immune-regulating system. Sulfur protects the ENT area.

😶The fortifying walk. Overheated interiors open the door to bacterial proliferation and infectious risks. Ideally, if you are forced to work in an office, you should, if possible, take a walk of thirty to forty-five minutes during the lunch break or at the end of the afternoon, covering well, especially Neck and ears. "It's a great way to tone up and strengthen your vital energy,"

😶The protective bramble. Powerful anti-inflammatory for the ENT sphere, it protects otitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, and acts as anti-infectious for the throat. If you live in the countryside, collect leaves (height to avoid animal droppings) and make infusions. Otherwise, they exist in tisane in pharmacies.

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